Ty and I were so lucky this past month, he had to go to a short 2 week course in California and it just happened to be only 1 mile from where my grandparents live. Also, last minute I bought my ticket and by calling Hawaiian Airlines I got the ticket for half the online price! Then, my wonderful mother-in-law was able to make arrangements to be in San Diego for part of the time with us and my mom and sister were able to make it out too. It all worked out so well, it was no coincidence that it all fell in place like that. I know that God had a hand in making it all work out and it was just what we needed.
It was so nice having my husband around for dinners and able to spend time with me. Lately (as in the past year) work has been crazy and even when he is home, he is working. The time in California was a much needed breather from the crazy and hectic Marine Corps life we've been living.
There are so many times when I wonder if this military life is really worth it, the endless sacrifices made make me want to pack up our house and move back to Minnesota and have a "normal' life. At times I get jealous of friends who seem to have it so "easy" (although no one has an "easy" life). But then it is times like these that I remember that the sacrifice IS worth it. This where we are called to be at this time and there are so many wonderful things that we get to experience that we would not get to if we lived in Minnesota with a "normal" life. I've always thought I wanted a normal life but I am starting to realize a normal life just won't do. I want OUR life and to fulfill the purpose we were created for. It might not always be a walk in the park but I truly wouldn't want any other life or to do that life with any person other than my wonderful husband.
P.S. He comes home tomorrow night after being on the Big Island for the past ten days! Can't wait to see him!!
What a wonderful perspective and attitude you have, Marie. So blessed to have you as a friend:o) I love you girl!