Reflections on my newlywed life: my random thoughts on life about: me & my husband, home decor, travels, cooking, baking, weddings, being a Marine Corps spouse & fashion and other things that interest me!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Every year my Halloweens have consisted of red and orange leafs rustling on the street, cold crisp air, apple cider, and warm sweaters. This year we were on our honeymoon in the Caribbean, so I didn't get my Minnesota Halloween. The air was hot and humid and there were no leafs on the ground! So I decided we must still make our own Halloween. 

We had our friends come over and we decorated Halloween sweets! Here are some pictures of our outcomes:

Camille made her own pumpkin cookie! pretty good for a 2 year old!

Wes and Kayla's scary Halloween house

Me and Ty's creepy Halloween house

Our friendly cupcake ghosts

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